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Posting stories, news and events

Updated: 19 October 2022

Posting news, events or stories directly to this website promotes your project and helps other volunteers be inspired by your good work. If you manage uploading the content yourself, you'll find it easy and it helps streamline posting.

Alternatively, you might elect to send your posts to the website manager by email - include a Word file of copy, headline and any photos. Send these items to Fraser Carson at (subject ‘Rotary Trees Notes’).

NOTE: Posted commentary needs to avoid obvious controversy which might alienate our funders and supporters. In all cases, posts will be checked before going live.  You also need to be authorised to speak on behalf of your project.

Direct posting - you will need a login to start


Place /admin at the end of the URL i.e.

Click open ‘Become A Member’ and complete the form.


Wait for an email asking you to verify yourself. It is very important to follow the email’s instructions carefully and to complete all the steps in the email.

Once the verification has happened, the login can be tested when you make your first post.

Making posts

Posting  is easy. You will need:

  1. An image (png, Jpeg or similar)  400 pixels wide or deep, minimum.
  2. Copy prepared in a Word file.
  3. A captivating headline.

Use your posting to give expression to your group's purpose and mission, and to build the profile of your project. For example, if a mission is to gain the support of your community, find ways to regularly post about that. 

There might be any number of people in your group who wish to share writing, posting and taking photos.

How to post

Go to the Contact page (this website's main menu).

Open ‘Private Posting’ (right column). At this point it will ask for a login.

You will see a selection of page types, in two columns. Selection of a page type will take you to an entry form for uploading. On your first visit, fully read the copy in ‘Before You Start’.

Complete the form taking care to do two essential things:

  • Select up to 8 Categories – because that assists wider exposure of the post.

  • Upload a suitable photo into the Signature Image and again into the Content Image space.

NOTE: After making your post, the website manager needs to approve it to make live, so please allow up to 18 hours for that to happen.

Do you have more to add to the posted page?

The form upload provides a way to create a simple post. If you have additional elements, such as more photos to add to the page, please email your instructions  and photographs to Fraser Carson at (subject ‘Rotary Trees Notes’).





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