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Current Projects


Click each project to see more information

1. Atiu Creek - AUCKLAND

This is an on-going restoration project on retired farmland-now an Auckland Regional Park; CVNZ have been planting on the site for the past 7 years, with plants grown in the on-site nursery.

See the Atiu Creek picture gallery>>

25,000 stems


The first completed Rotary Forests of Peace, Remembrance and Community planting -9000 trees over 1ha. 

See Waitawa picture gallery>>

9,000 stems

3. Sanders Reserve - AUCKLAND

Sanders Reserve has a rich cultural background of Māori and European history.The proposed area will be a continuation of recent plantings as well as a buffer for more mature plantings .

See a Planting Day picture gallery>>

10,000 stems

4. Waiheke Resources Trust - WAIHEKE

The project will be working to restore ecologically significant wetland habitats on Waiheke, recognising the importance of protecting our natural taonga, in alignment with the Waiheke Area Plan.The Waiheke Resources Trust will be planting 14,685 plants across a number of sites.

14,685 stems

5. Whareroa Park - KAPITI COAST

Whareroa Guardians Trust are planting 75,000 stems over some 30Ha; Groundtruth are coordinating the planting, the largest under the Rotary Trust programme.

75,000 stems

6. Taupõ Swamp - PLIMMERTON

This project is a collaboration between Porirua City Council and the Rotary Club of Plimmerton Rotary. In both 2020 and 2021 we planted 5000 stems each year. As of October 2022 we have planted a total of 14,700 and plan to plant another 900 stems this year.some. This project ties together the protection of Taupo Swamp and riparian planting of Taupo Stream.

4,100 stems

7. Mitchell Stream - PORIRUA

A Porirua City Council project, restoring native biodiversity along Mitchell Stream, a heavily degraded waterway.

15,516 stems

8. TAK / Heathcote - CHRISTCHURCH

A newly established 'heritage' project for Te Ara Kakariki/Canterbury Greenways Trust, located beside Neils Road and The Little River Trail.

6,000 stems

9. Tūmai Beach - WAIKOUAITI 

A Tūmai Beach Restoration Trust Project that is restoring 16 hectares of native coastal forest on retired farmland near the Te Hakapupu (Pleasant River) mouth.

3,000 stems

10. Warrington - DUNEDIN

A private site; will have covenant and allow for public access.

7,000 stems


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